superdarn |src.lib|tk|scan| RadarBeam Index


int scan; Scan flag.
int bm; Beam number.
float bmazm; Beam azimith.
double time; Beam time stamp, specified as seconds from 0:00UT January 1, 1970.
int cpid; Control program identifier number.
struct {
int sc; Seconds.
int us; Microseconds.
intt; Integration time.
int nave; Number of pulse sequences transmitted.
int frang; Distance to first range (kilometers).
int rsep; Range separation (kilometers).
int rxrise; Receiver rise time (microseconds).
int freq; Transmitted frequency (kilohertz).
int noise; Calculated noise from clear frequency search.
int atten; Attenuation level.
int channel; Channel number for a stereo radar.
int nrang; Number of ranges.
unsigned char sct[nrang]; Array of flags indicating that a range contains scatter. A non-zero value indicates that there is scatter at that range.
struct RadarCell rng[nrang]; Range data.

The struct RadarBeam structure stores the fitted parameters for a single beam.