Syntax | |
struct RadarTdiff *RadarEpochGetTdiff(struct Radar *ptr,double tval,int method,int channel,int tfreq); | |
Header | |
superdarn/radar.h | |
Library | |
radar | |
Description | |
The The argument ptr is a pointer to the structure containing the radar information block. The radar tdiff parameters can vary over time, channel, frequency, and calibration method; so the time for which the tdiff information is requested is given by the arguments tval, expressed in seconds from 0:00UT January 1, 1970, and method, channel, and tfreq give the method, channel, and frequency. | |
Returns | |
Returns a pointer to the radar tdiff information for the desired time and conditions. On error, a NULL pointer is returned. | |
Errors | |
On error, a NULL pointer is returned. | |
Example | |
None |