superdarn |src.lib|tk|oldfit| OldFitFp Index


int fitfp; File descriptor for the data file.
int inxfp; File descriptor for the index file.
int fit_recl; Size of a record in the data.
int inx_recl; Size of a record in the index file.
struct stat rstat; File status for the data file.
struct stat istat; File status for the index file.
int blen; Number of blocks in the current record.
int inx_srec; Start record in index file.
int inx_erec; End record in index file.
double ctime; Current record time of the file, specified as seconds from 0:00UT January 1, 1970.
double stime; Start time of the file, specified as seconds from 0:00UT January 1, 1970.
double etime; End time of the file, specified as seconds from 0:00UT January 1, 1970.
int time; (Redundant).
char header[80]; Header record.
char date[32]; Creation date.
char extra[256]; Extra information recorded in the header.
int major_rev; File major revision number.
int minor_rev; File minor revision number.
int (*fitread)(struct OldFitFp *fp,struct RadarParm *prm, struct FitData *fit); Pointer to the function that reads records from the file.

The struct OldFitFp structure stores the open file descriptor information for a fit data file.