superdarn |src.lib|tk|grid| GridSVec Index


int st_id; Station identifier number.
int chn; Channel number for a stereo radar.
int npnt; Number of points contributed by this station.
double freq0; Average frequency that the radar was using for this period.
int major_revision; Major revision number.
int minor_revision; Minor revision number.
int prog_id; Control program identifier number.
char gsct; Ground scatter flag.
struct {
double mean; Mean noise value for this period.
double sd; Standard deviation of the noise for this period.
noise; Noise statistics.
struct {
double min; Minium threshold.
double max; Maximum threshold.
vel; Velocity thresholds.
struct {
double min; Minium threshold.
double max; Maximum threshold.
pwr; Power thresholds.
struct {
double min; Minium threshold.
double max; Maximum threshold.
wdt; Spectral width thresholds.
struct {
double min; Minium threshold.
double max; Maximum threshold.
verr; Velocity error thresholds.

The struct GridSVec structure stores information about a station contributing to a set of gridded data.