int channel; |
Channel number being processed, zero indicates data is from a mono radar, a value of (1) indicates channel A, and value of (2) indicates channel B. |
int offset; |
Offset between channels for a stereo radar. |
int cp; |
Control program Identifier number. |
int xcf; |
XCF flag. |
int tfreq; |
Transmitted frequency. |
int noise; |
Noise calculated from clear frequency search. |
int nrang; |
Number of ranges. |
int smsep; |
Sample separation (microseconds). |
int nave; |
Number of pulse sequences transmitted. |
int mplgs; |
Number of lags in ACF. |
int mppul; |
Number of pulses in sequence. |
int txpl; |
Transmit pulse length (microseconds). |
int lagfr; |
Lag to first range (microseconds). |
int mppul; |
Number of pulses in sequence. |
int bmnum; |
Beam number. |
int old; |
Set to indicate old data that used the 16 lag, 7 pulse code (pre-1993). |
int old_elev; |
Set to use the old elevation angle routines. |
int lag[LAG_SIZE][2]; |
Lag table. |
int pulse[PULSE_SIZE]; |
Pulse table. |
int pwr0[MAX_RANGE]; |
Lag-zero powers. |
double interfer[3]; |
the x, y, z position of the interferometer array with respect to the main array. The values are given in meters. X is in the direction parallel to the main array, with +X being to the right looking along the boresite. Y is in the boresite direction, with +Y in front of the array. Z is the vertical displacement, with +Z being up. |
double bmoff; |
Electronic beam offset angle. |
double bmsep; |
Beam separation angle. |
double phidiff; |
Sign of the phase shift of the interferometer array (+1 indicates the inteferometer is in front of the main array). |
double tdiff; |
Time delay in microseconds of the signal from the interferometer array and the main array. |
double vdir; |
Definition of velocity direction. (+1.0 is normal, -1.0 indicates that the I & Q inputs to the receiver are reversed). |