1. Introduction
The cnvmap files are stored using the DataMap self-describing file format. Listed here are the variable names and definitions.
2. Scalars
The scalar components of the cnvmap file format are listed below:
Variable Name | Data Type | Description |
start.time.yr | short | Start year. |
start.time.mo | short | Start month. |
start.time.dy | short | Start day. |
start.time.hr | short | Start hour. |
start.time.mt | short | Start minute. |
end.time.sc | double | End second. |
end.time.yr | short | End year. |
end.time.mo | short | End month. |
end.time.dy | short | End day. |
end.time.hr | short | End hour. |
end.time.mt | short | End minute. |
end.time.sc | double | End second. |
map.major.revision | short | Major revision. |
map.minor.revision | short | Minor revision. |
source | string | Source of this data file. |
doping.level | short | Model doping level. |
model.wt | short | Model weighting. |
error.wt | short | Error weighting. |
IMF.flag | short | IMF availability flag. |
IMF.delay | short | IMF delay in minutes. |
IMF.Bx | double | IMF Bx component. |
IMF.By | double | IMF By component. |
IMF.Bz | double | IMF Bz component. |
model.angle | string | Statistical model angle. |
model.level | string | Statistical model level. |
hemisphere | short | Hemisphere flag. |
fit.order | short | Order of fit. |
latmin | float | Lower latitude boundary. |
chi.sqr | double | True chi-squared error. |
chi.sqr.dat | double | Chi-squared error for data only. |
rms.err | double | RMS error. |
lon.shft | float | Longitudinal pole shift. |
lat.shft | float | Latitudinal pole shift. |
mlt.start | double | MLT at start of record. |
mlt.end | double | MLT at end of record. |
mlt.av | double | MLT at middle of record. |
pot.drop | double | Cross polar-cap potential drop. |
pot.drop.err | double | Cross polar-cap potential drop error. |
pot.max | double | Maximum polar-cap potential. |
pot.max.err | double | Maximum polar-cap potential error. |
pot.min | double | Minimum polar-cap potential. |
pot.min.err | double | Minimum polar-cap potential error. |
2. Arrays
The Array components of the cnvmap file format are listed below. The cnvmap format is a superset of the grdmap format so contains the same arrays:
Variable Name | Data Type | Dimensions | Description |
stid[stnum] | short | stnum | Station Identifiers. |
channel[stnum] | short | stnum | Channel Numbers. |
nvec[stnum] | short | stnum | number of vectors per station. |
freq[stnum] | float | stnum | Operating frequencies. |
major.revision[stnum] | short | stnum | Algorithm major revisions. |
minor.revision[stnum] | short | stnum | Algorithm minor revisions. |
program.id[stnum] | short | stnum | Program Identifiers. |
noise.mean[stnum] | float | stnum | Mean noises. |
noise.sd[stnum] | float | stnum | Noise standard-deviations. |
gsct[stnum] | short | stnum | Ground scatter component. |
v.min[stnum] | float | stnum | Velocity minimum thresholds. |
v.max[stnum] | float | stnum | Velocity maximum thresholds. |
p.min[stnum] | float | stnum | Power minimum thresholds. |
p.max[stnum] | float | stnum | Power maximum thresholds. |
w.min[stnum] | float | stnum | Spectral width minimum thresholds. |
w.max[stnum] | float | stnum | Spectral width maximum thresholds. |
ve.min[stnum] | float | stnum | Velocity error minimum thresholds. |
ve.max[stnum] | float | stnum | Velocity error maximum thresholds. |
vector.mlat[vcnum] | float | vcnum | Magnetic Latitudes. |
vector.mlon[vcnum] | float | vcnum | Magnetic Longitudes. |
vector.kvect[vcnum] | float | vcnum | Magnetic Azimuths. |
vector.stid[vcnum] | short | vcnum | Vector station identifier. |
vector.channel[vcnum] | short | vcnum | Vector channel. |
vector.index[vcnum] | int | vcnum | Grid indices. |
vector.vel.median[vcnum] | float | vcnum | Velocity medians. |
vector.vel.sd[vcnum] | float | vcnum | Velocity standard deviations. |
vector.pwr.median[vcnum] | float | vcnum | Power medians. |
vector.pwr.sd[vcnum] | float | vcnum | Power standard deviations. |
vector.wdt.median[vcnum] | float | vcnum | Spectral width medians. |
vector.wdt.sd[vcnum] | float | vcnum | Spectral width standard deviations. |
N[ftnum] | float | ftnum | L value of the expansion between 0 and Lmax. |
N+1[ftnum] | float | ftnum | M value of the expansion between -L and +L, negative values indicating the sin(M*phi) term. |
N+2[ftnum] | float | ftnum | value of the coefficient. |
N+3[ftnum] | float | ftnum | stimate of the 1-sigma error of the coefficient. |
model.mlat[mdnum] | float | mdnum | Magnetic Latitudes of the model vectors. |
model.mlon[mdnum] | float | mdnum | Magnetic Longitudes of the model vectors. |
model.kvect[mdnum] | float | mdnum | Magnetic Azimuths of the model vectors. |
model.vel.median[mdnum] | float | mdnum | Velocity medians of the model vectors. |
boundary.mlat[bdnum] | float | bdnum | Magnetic Latitudes of the lower latitude boundary. |
boundary.mlon[bdnum] | float | bdnum | Magnetic Longitudes of the lower latitude boundary. |
A grdmap subset of the cnvmap file consists a number of vectors, vcnum, the vectors come from a number of individual staitons, stnum. The file contains arrays containing the operating and processing parameters of each station and arrays that containing data for each vector.
The arrays vector.pwr.median,vector.pwr.sd,vector.wdt.median and vector.wdt.sd are only included in extended format grdmap files
A cnvmap does not necessarily contain a complete all of the variables listed above. The processing is divided up into stages with variables added to the file as needed. If the statistical model has been calculated the file will contain the arrays model.mlat,model.mlon,model.kvect and model.vel.median each with mdnum members. If the lower latitude boundary has been found then the file will contain the arrays boundary.mlat and boundary.mlon each with bdnum members. If the spherical harmonic analysis has been performed then the file will contain the arrays N,N+1,N+2 and N+3 each with ftnum members.