Variable Name | Data Type | Description |
radar.revision.major | char | Major version number of the radar operating system. |
radar.revision.minor | char | Minor version number of the radar operating system. |
origin.code | char | Code indicating origin of the data. |
origin.time | string | ASCII representation of when the data was generated. |
origin.command | string | The command line or control program used to generate the data. |
cp | short | Control program identifier. |
stid | short | Station identifier. |
time.yr | short | Year. | | short | Month. |
time.dy | short | Day. | | short | Hour. | | short | Minute. | | short | Second. | | short | Micro-Second. |
txpow | short | Transmitted power (kW). |
nave | short | Number of pulse sequences transmitted. |
atten | short | Attenuation level. |
lagfr | short | Lag to first range (microseconds). |
smsep | short | Sample separation (microseconds). |
ercod | short | Error code. |
stat.agc | short | AGC status word. |
stat.lopwr | short | LOPWR status word. | | float | Calculated noise from clear frequency search. |
noise.mean | float | Average noise across frequency band. |
channel | short | Channel number for a stereo radar (zero for all others). |
bmnum | short | Beam number. |
bmazm | float | Beam azimuth. |
scan | short | Scan flag. |
offset | short | Offset between channels for a stereo radar (zero for all others). |
rxrise | short | Receiver rise time (microseconds). | | short | Whole number of seconds of integration time. | | short | Fractional number of microseconds of integration time. |
txpl | short | Transmit pulse length (microseconds). |
mpinc | short | Multi-pulse increment (microseconds). |
mppul | short | Number of pulses in sequence. |
mplgs | short | Number of lags in sequence. |
nrang | short | Number of ranges. |
frang | short | Distance to first range (kilometers). |
rsep | short | Range separation (kilometers). |
xcf | short | XCF flag. |
tfreq | short | Transmitted frequency. |
mxpwr | int | Maximum power (kHz). |
lvmax | int | Maximum noise level allowed. |
iqdata.revision.major | int | Major version number of the iqdata library. |
iqdata.revision.minor | int | Minor version number of the iqdata library. |
combf | string | Comment buffer. |
seqnum | int | Number of pulse sequences transmitted. |
chnnum | int | Number of channels sampled (both I and Q quadrature samples). |
smpnum | int | Number of samples taken per sequence. |
skpnum | int | Number of samples to skip before the first valid sample. |