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RFC: 0008


rawacf DataMap variables definitions




A description of the variables stored in a rawacf DataMap file.


1. Introduction

The rawacf files are stored using the DataMap self-describing file format. Listed here are the variable names and definitions.

2. Scalars

The scalar components of the rawacf file format are listed below:

Variable NameData TypeDescription
radar.revision.majorcharMajor version number of the radar operating system.
radar.revision.minorcharMinor version number of the radar operating system.
origin.codecharCode indicating origin of the data.
origin.timestringASCII representation of when the data was generated.
origin.commandstringThe command line or control program used to generate the data.
cpshortControl program identifier.
stidshortStation identifier.
txpowshortTransmitted power (kW).
naveshortNumber of pulse sequences transmitted.
attenshortAttenuation level.
lagfrshortLag to first range (microseconds).
smsepshortSample separation (microseconds).
ercodshortError code.
stat.agcshortAGC status word.
stat.lopwrshortLOPWR status word.
noise.searchfloatCalculated noise from clear frequency search.
noise.meanfloatAverage noise across frequency band.
channelshortChannel number for a stereo radar (zero for all others).
bmnumshortBeam number.
bmazmfloatBeam azimuth.
scanshortScan flag.
offsetshortOffset between channels for a stereo radar (zero for all others).
rxriseshortReceiver rise time (microseconds).
intt.scshortWhole number of seconds of integration time.
intt.usshortFractional number of microseconds of integration time.
txplshortTransmit pulse length (microseconds).
mpincshortMulti-pulse increment (microseconds).
mppulshortNumber of pulses in sequence.
mplgsshortNumber of lags in sequence.
nrangshortNumber of ranges.
frangshortDistance to first range (kilometers).
rsepshortRange separation (kilometers).
xcfshortXCF flag.
tfreqshortTransmitted frequency.
mxpwrintMaximum power (kHz).
lvmaxintMaximum noise level allowed.
rawacf.revision.majorintMajor version number of the rawacf format.
rawacf.revision.minorintMinor version number of the rawacf format.
combfstringComment buffer.
thrfloatThresholding factor.

2. Arrays

The Array components of the rawacf file format are listed below:

Variable NameData TypeDimensionsDescription
ptab[mppul]shortmppulPulse table.
ltab[2][mplgs]short2,mplgsLag table.
pwr0[nrng]floatnrngLag zero power.
slist[0-nrng]short0-nrngList of stored ranges.
acfd[2][mplgs][0-nrng]]short2,mplgs,0-nrngCalculated ACFs.
xcfd[2][mplgs][0-nrng]short2,mplgs,0-nrngCalculated XCFs.

The extent of each dimension is determined by the radar operating parameters. For example a value of mppul of 7 would result in the array ptab[7].

The number of ranges stored in the data file is dependent on the ratio of signal to noise and can vary between 0 and nrng. The array slist lists the range gate of each stored ACF. For example if the first element in slist is 44, then the first element in the acf array, acfd[*][*][0], is from range 44.

The XCF array, xcfd, will only be present in the record if an XCF is calculated. This is indicated if the scalar xcf is set to 1.


RFC #0006


2007/03/26 Revision incorporating origin and beam azimuth.
2004/07/29 Initial Revision.