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trim_raw --help
trim_raw [-vb] [-t thr] [-sd yyyymmdd] [-st hr:mn] [-ed yyyymmdd] [-et hr:mn] [-ex hr:mn] [rawacfname]
trim_raw -old [-vb] [-t thr] [-sd yyyymmdd] [-st hr:mn] [-ed yyyymmdd] [-et hr:mn] [-ex hr:mn] rawinput rawoutput

Extracts a section from a raw (dat) or rawacf format file.

--helpprint the help message and exit.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
-vbverbose. Log information to the console.
-t thruse the threshold factor thr to detemine whether data is saved or not (note: this option is deprecated).
-sd yyyymmddextract starting from the date yyyymmdd.
-st hr:mnextract starting from the time hr:mn.
-ed yyyymmddstop extracting at the date yyyymmdd.
-et hr:mnstop extracting at the time hr:mn.
-ex hr:mnextract an interval whose extent is hr:mn.
rawacfnamefilename of the rawacf format file to trim. If this is omitted, the file will be read from standard input
-oldthe input file is a raw (dat) format file.
rawinputfilename of the raw (dat) format file to trim.
rawoutputfilename of the raw (dat) format file to create.

Extracts a section from a raw (dat) or rawacf format file.

If the input file is a rawacf format file, the extracted section will be written to standard output

trim_raw -old -st 11:00 -ex 1:00 20000110.kap.dat 2000011011.kap.dat

Extracts a one-hour section starting at 11:00UT from the raw file "20000110.kap.dat" to produce the raw file called "200001101.kap.dat".

trim_raw -sd 19990410 -st 22:00 -ed 19990411 -et 4:00 -t 3 19990410.gbr.rawacf > 1999041022.gbr.rawacf

Extract a six-hour section starting at 22:00UT April 10, 1999 from the rawacf file "19990410.gbr.rawacf" to produce the raw file "1999041022.gbr.rawacf". A threshold of 3 is applied to the lag-zero power.