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solve_model --help
solve_model [-by by] [-bz bz] [-vx vx] [-tilt tilt] [-kp kp] [-rg96|-psr10|-cs10|-ts18|-ts18_kp] [-nointerp] [-noigrf]
solve_model [-sh] [-lat_step dlat] [-lon_step dlon] [-equal]


Calculates the statistical model and writes it to standard output.

--helpprint the help message and exit.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
-by byset the Y component of the magnetic field to by [nT]. The default value is 0 nT.
-bz bzset the Z component of the magnetic field to bz [nT]. The default value is 0 nT.
-vx vxset the solar wind velocity to vx [km/s]. The default value is 450 km/s.
-tilt tiltset the dipole tilt angle to tilt [degrees]. The default value is determined by date/time.
-kp kpset the Kp magnetic index to kp. The default value is 0.
-d yyyymmddcalculate for the date yyyymmdd. The default value is the current date.
-t hr:mncalculate for the time hr:mn. The default value is 00:00 UT.
-shcalculate the model pattern for the southern hemisphere.
-rg96use the RG96 statistical model.
-psr10use the PSR10 statistical model (equivalent to the RG05 model.)
-cs10use the CS10 statistical model.
-ts18use the TS18 statistical model [default].
-ts18_kpuse the TS18-Kp statistical model.
-nointerpdo not interpolate coeffiecients, instead use discrete models (applies to CS10 and TS18 models only).
-noigrfdo not use IGRF model to convert potential to velocities, instead use constant values.
-old_aacgmuses the older AACGM software and coefficients. The default is to use AACGM-v2 coefficients.
-ecdipuse eccentric dipole coordinates rather than AACGM.
-lat_step dlatset the latitudinal step size of the grid to dlat [degrees]. The default value is 1 degree MLAT.
-lon_step dlonset the longitudinal step size of the grid to dlon [degrees]. The default value is 2 degrees MLON.
-equaluse an equal-area grid with cell sizes defined by dlat [degrees] instead of a uniform grid. The default value is 1 degree in latitude.

Calculates the statistical model and writes it to standard output.

solve_model -bz -2.5 -by 3.3 -tilt 4.0 -vx 350 > model.txt

Calculates TS18 model vectors and potential on a uniform grid for input solar wind and dipole tilt parameters. The output is written to the file "model.txt".