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rtgrid --help
rtgrid [options] host port
rtgrid -old [options] host port

Creates a grd or grdmap format file from a fitacf TCP/IP data stream.

--helpprint the help message and exit.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
-name stidspecify the radar code stid to use for the output filename (the default value is taken from the radar parameter block but can sometimes become corrupted and set to tst).
-tl tlenignore the scan flag and instead use a fixed length scan of tlen seconds.
-i inttintegrate the grid data into records of length intt seconds.
-cn channelprocess data from a specific channel number for stereo mode data or twofsound data.
-ebm ebeamsexclude the beam numbers listed in ebeams, comma separated.
-minrng minrangeexclude data from range gates lower than minrange.
-maxrng maxrangeexclude data from range gates higher than maxrange.
-fwgt modeset the filter weighting mode to mode.
-pmax pmaxexclude data with a power greater than pmax.
-vmax vmaxexclude data with an absolute velocity greater than vmax.
-wmax wmaxexclude data with a spectral width greater than wmax.
-vemax vemaxexclude data with a velocity error greater than vemax.
-pmin pminexclude data with a power less than pmin.
-vmin vminexclude data with an absolute velocity less than vmin.
-wmin wminexclude data with a spectral width less than wmin.
-vemin veminexclude data with a velocity error less than vemin.
-fmax fmaxset the maximum allowed variation in frequency to be fmax Hertz.
-alt altset the altitude at which the mapping is done to be alt kilometers.
-navdo not perform temporal averaging.
-nlmdo not exclude data because it exceeds the data limits.
-nbdo not exclude data based on the operating parameters.
-xtdcreate extended output that includes both the power and spectral width measurements.
-isortcalculate the median power and spectral width independently of the velocity distribution.
-ionexclude data marked as ground scatter.
-gsexclude data marked as ionospheric scatter.
-bothdo not exclude data based on the type flag.
-inertialcalculate the grid file in the inertial reference frame.
-chishamcalculate the grid file using the Chisham virtual height model.
-old_aacgmcalculate the grid file using old AACGM coefficients rather than v2.
-L lognamelog connections and information in the file logname. By default, connections are recorded in log.rt.
-p pathnamestore the daily files in the directory pathname.
-f filenamestore the grid data in the file filename.
-if pidnamerecord the process Identifier (PID) of the server in the file pidname. By default, the PID is recorded in pid.id.
hosthostname or IP number of the system to connect to.
rportport number to connect to on the server.
-rpfThe remote port number is stored in a text file.
rportnamefilename of the text file containing the remote port number.
-oldproduce grd format output files.

Creates a grd or grdmap format file from a fitacf TCP/IP data stream.

A grid file is a highly processed data product consisting of geo-magnetically located line of sight velocity vectors.

The algorithm optionally applies a median filter to the scan data to remove noise. Each range-beam cell together with its immediate neighbors in the current, preceding and following scans is examined. A weighted sum of all the cells containing scatter is calculated and if this sum exceeds a certain threshold, the median data value of the cells is substituted for the central cell. Various command line options control how the filter is applied.

Once the data has been filtered, the geo-magnetic location of each line of sight velocity measurement is calculated. The vectors are then fixed to an equi-area grid to ensure that the data is not biased according to its location in the radar field of view.

The vectors in each cell are averaged together over a fixed period of time to generate an output record, which is then stored in the specified output file. An additional file containing all of the records for a given day is also created. The name of this file takes the form "yyyymmdd.iii.grdmap", where yyyy is the year, mm the month, dd the day, and iii the station identifier code.

rtgrid -L log -tl 120 -i 120 -if pid.id <ip address/hostname> <port number>

Generate a grdmap file using the real-time data stream from the specified <ip address/hostname>, served at the provided <port number>. Ignore the scan flag and use a scan length of two minutes. Generate a record every two minutes. The process identifier is recorded in the file "pid.id", logs of all transactions are recorded in the file "log.yyyymmdd" where yyyy is the year, mm is the month, and dd is the day.

rtgrid -rpf -L log -if pid.id -p /data/rt/grd <ip address/hostname> port.<radar identifier>

Generate a grdmap file using the real-time data stream from the specified ip address/hostname, served at the port number contained in the file "port.<radar identifier>". The process identifier is recorded in the file "pid.id", and logs of all transactions are recorded in the file "log.yyyymmdd" where yyyy is the year, mm is the month, and dd is the day. The daily files are stored in the directory "/data/rt/grd".