--help | print the help message and exits. |
--version | print the RST version number and exit. |
-vb | verbose. Log information to the console. |
-old | the input file is a map format file. |
-old_aacgm | uses the older AACGM software and coefficients. The default |
| is to use AACGM-v2. |
-ecdip | use eccentric dipole coordinates rather than AACGM. |
-rg96 | uses the RG96 statistical model. |
-psr10 | uses the PSR10 statistical model (equivalent to the RG05 model.) |
-cs10 | uses the CS10 statistical model. |
-ts18 | uses the TS18 statistical model [default]. |
-ts18_kp | uses the TS18-Kp statistical model. |
-nointerp | Do not interpolate coeffiecients, instead use discrete models. |
-noigrf | Do not use IGRF model to convert potential to velocities, |
| instead use constant values. |
-o order | set the order of fit to be order. |
-d doping | set the doping level to dp. Possible values are low, medium, or high. |
-residuals | Compute residual vectors by subtracting model vectors from data. |
-all_model | Compute model vectors at all possible grid locations. |
-data_model | Compute model vectors at data locations only. |
mapname | filename of the cnvmap format file. If this is omitted, the file will |
| be read from standard input. |