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map_addimf --help
map_addimf [-vb] [-old] [-ace|-wind|-omni] [-p path] [-d hr:mn] [-ex hr:mn]
map_addimf [-vb] [-old] [-ace|-wind|-omni] [-p path] [-df delayname] [-ex hr:mn]
map_addimf [-vb] [-old] [-if imfname] [-d hr:mn] [mapname]
map_addimf [-vb] [-old] [-if imfname] [-df delayname] [mapname]
map_addimf [-vb] [-old] [-bx bx] [-by by] [-bz bz] [-vx vx] [-tilt tilt] [-kp kp]


Adds IMF and solar wind data to a convection map file.

--helpprint the help message and exit.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
-vbverbose. Log information to the console.
-oldthe input file is a map format file. NOTE: When using this option, the Kp value will not be read in when using the -if option.
-omniuse data from OMNI. (Currently not functional)
-aceuse IMF data from ACE.
-winduse IMF data from wind.
-p pathnameset the directory path to search for the IMF data in to pathname.
-d hr:mnset the IMF delay time to hr:mn.
-ex hr:mnread hr hours and mn minutes of IMF data. By default, 24 hours
of data is read.
mapnamefilename of the cnvmap format file. If this is omitted, the file will
be read from standard input.
-df delaynameread the delay times from the ASCII text file delayname.
-if imfnameread the IMF data from the ASCII text file imfname. Kp will not be read in if using this option in combination with the -old option.
-bx bxset the X component of the magnetic field to bx [nT].
-by byset the Y component of the magnetic field to by [nT].
-bz bzset the Z component of the magnetic field to bz [nT].
-vx vxset the solar wind velocity to vx [km/s].
-tilt tiltset the dipole tilt angle to tilt [degrees].
-kp kpset the Kp magnetic index to kp.

Adds IMF and solar wind data to a convection map file.

The IMF applied to the map file can be fixed, taken from the ACE or Wind spacecraft, or read from a plain text file. The processed file is written to standard output.

If the "-ace" or "-wind" options are specified, the IMF data is taken from the appropriate CDF files for each spacecraft. The files are read from the "ace" and "wind" sub-directories of the path given by given by the "-path" option or by the environment variable "ISTP_PATH". The argument "-ex" is used to specify how much IMF data should be loaded. By default only 24 hours of data is read.

The IMF delay can either be fixed using the "-d" option or read from a text file using the "-df" option. Any lines in the file beginning with the character "#" are treated as comments and ignored. Any other lines are expected to contain a time followed by the delay in hours and minutes:

year month day hour minute second dhour dminute

The delay will be applied to the IMF starting at the time specified and will only change if a subsequent entry in the delay file alters it.

The "-if" option will read the IMF from the plain text file ifile. Any lines in the file beginning with the character "#" are treated as comments and ignored. Any other lines are expected to contain a time followed by the three components of the IMF defined in GSM coordinates; the solar wind velocity (vx) in km/s units and GSE coordinates; and the Kp index (only used for the TS18-Kp model).

year month day hour minute second bx by bz vx kp

NOTE: The default OMNI invalid measurement value for vx is 99999.9. This invalid measurement value needs to be modified to 0.0 in order to select the correct CS10 or TS18 map model.

In the case where there is missing IMF data in the middle of the file, the missing values for bx, by, bz, and Vx will be filled in from an interpolation between the two closest values. The IMF will be fixed to the last value if there is missing IMF data at the end of a file. For example, if the last value is:

2016 12 30 23 17 00     0.64    2.59   -1.96  -336.9

then the records for 23:18 and after will contain the values for IMF and vx in this entry. Similarly, if values are missing at the beginning of a file, then the first line in the IMF file will be used in place of the missing data.

map_addimf -vb -old -bx 1.5 -by -1.2 -bx 0.4 19970406.map > 19970406.imf.map

Adds a fixed IMF of Bx=-15, By=-1.2 and Bz=0.4 to the map file "19970406.map". The output is stored in the file "19970406.imf.map" and status is logged to standard error.

map_addimf -old -ace -d 0:30 -ex 48:00 19981104.map > 19981104.imf.map

Adds IMF data from the ACE spacecraft to the map file "19981104.map". A delay of 30 minutes is applied to the data and the map file is expected to be 48 hours in length. The output is stored in the file "19981104.imf.map".

map_addimf -old -ace -df delay.txt 19990712.map > 19990712.imf.map

Adds IMF data from the ACE spacecraft to the map file "19990712.map". The IMF delays are read from the file "delay.txt". The output is stored in the file "19990712.imf.map".

map_addimf -old -if imf.txt -df delay.txt 2000312.map > 20000312.map

Adds IMF data from the text file "imf.txt" to the map file "2000312.map". The IMF delays are taken from the file "delay.txt". The output is stored in the file "19990712.imf.map".