Syntax |
make_snd --help make_snd [-vb] [-cp cpid] [-cn channel] fitacfname
Synopsis |
| Creates a snd format file from a fitacf format file. |
Options |
--help | print the help message and exit. |
--version | print the RST version number and exit. |
-vb | verbose. Log information to the console. |
-cp cp | extract only those records with the program identifier cp. |
-cn channel | extract only those records from channel channel. |
-skip_freq freq | skip records with the frequency freq [kHz]. |
fitacfname | filename of the fitacf format file. |
Description |
| Creates a snd format file from a fitacf format file.
The snd file is written to standard output. |
Examples |
make_snd 20040830.gbr.fitacf > 20040830.gbr.snd |
Create a snd format file from the fitacf file named "20040830.gbr.fitacf ", the output file is called "20040830.gbr.snd ".