--help | print the help message and exit. |
--version | print the RST version number and exit. |
-katscan | use Kathrn McWilliams' 8-pulse sequence (default). |
-tauscan | use Ray Greenwald's 13-pulse sequence. |
-spaletascan | use Mrinal Balaji / Jef Spaleta's 16-pulse sequence. |
-oldscan | use the old 7-pulse sequence. |
-xcf | calculate interferometer samples and XCFs (default is to use a virtual height model). |
-elv elv | set the elevation angle to elv degrees for all ranges (instead of using a virtual height model). |
-vht vht | set the virtual height to vht km for all ranges (instead of using a virtual height model). |
-tdiff tdiff | set the tdiff value to tdiff microseconds when calculating interferometer samples and XCFs (default is to use hardware value). |
-freq f | set the radar frequency to f MHz (default is 12 MHz). |
-vel v | set the background Doppler velocity to v m/s (default is 450 m/s). |
-v_spread v_s | set the Gaussian Doppler velocity spread (standard deviation) to v_s m/s (default is 0 m/s). |
-width w | set the spectral width to w m/s (default is 120 m/s). |
-t_d t_d | set the irregularity decay time to t_d milliseconds (default is 40 ms). |
-t_g t_g | set the irregularity growth time to t_d microseconds (default is 1 us, ie negligible). |
-t_c t_c | set the precipitation time constant (lifetime) to t_c milliseconds (default is 1e6 ms, ie negligible). |
-constant | use a constant irregularity lifetime distribution (default is exponential). |
-noise n | add white noise level to produce SNR n dB (default is no noise). |
-smsep smsep | set the sample separation to smsep microseconds (default is 300 us). |
-nrang nrang | set the number of range gates to nrang (default is 100). |
-n_good n_good | set the number of range gates with scatter to n_good (default is 40). WARNING: setting this above ~70 for katscan (or default) sequence will cause cross-range interference at lag0 from range gates ~70 and above (lag0 ~2x the value at other range gates). |
-srng srng | set the first range gate containing scatter to srng (default is 0). |
-nave nave | set the number of averages in the integration period to nave (default is 70/50/20 for oldscan/katscan/tauscan). |
-amp amp | set the average ACF amplitude to amp (default is 1). |
-nocri | Remove cross-range interference from the ACFs (default is CRI on). WARNING: removing cross-range interference will make the raw samples unusable, since each range gate will have to be integrated separately. |
-decay | Set the ACFs to have a decaying amplitude by a factor of 1/(r^2). |
-stid stid | set the station identifier in the data records to stid (default is 0). |
-beam beam | set the radar beam number in the data records to beam (default is 7). |
-mpinc mpinc | set the multi-pulse increment of the pulse sequence to mpinc microseconds (default is 1500 us for katscan or 2400 us for oldscan/tauscan). |
-iq | Output raw samples (in iqdat format) instead of ACFs (in rawacf format). |