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grid_filter --help
grid_filter [gridname]
grid_filter -old [gridname]

Removes grid vectors from a grdmap file using range and/or CPID criteria.

--helpprint the help message and exit.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
-cpidexclude data according to control program ID (CPID).
-minrng minrangeexclude data from slant ranges nearer than minrange km (default is 0 km).
-maxrng maxrangeexclude data from slant ranges greater than maxrange km (default is 10,000 km).
gridnamefilename of the grdmap format file. If this is omitted, the file will be read from standard input.
-oldthe input file is a grd format file.

Removes grid vectors from a grid file.

The task searches for and removes grid vectors that do not meet user-defined slant range or control program ID (CPID) criteria. By default the task will not exclude any data.

grid_filter -old 20040830.grd > 20040830.grd.s

Filter the grd format file "20040830.grd" to produce the file "20040830.grd.f".