--help | print the help message and exit. |
--version | print the RST version number and exit. |
-vb | verbose. Log information to the console. |
-sd yyyymmdd | start from the date yyyymmdd. |
-st hr:mn | start from the time hr:mn. |
-ed yyyymmdd | stop at the date yyyymmdd. |
-et hr:mn | stop at the time hr:mn. |
-ex hr:mn | use the interval whose extent is hr:mn. |
-tl tlen | ignore the scan flag and instead use a fixed length scan of tlen seconds. |
-cn channel | process data from channel channel for stereo mode data. |
-ebm ebeams | exclude the beams listed in ebeams, which is a comma separated list of beam numbers. |
-minrng minrange | exclude data from range gates lower than minrange. |
-maxrng maxrange | exclude data from range gates higher than maxrange. |
-fwgt mode | set the filter weighting mode to mode. |
-pmax pmax | exclude data with a power greater than pmax. |
-vmax vmax | exclude data with an absolute velocity greater than vmax. |
-wmax wmax | exclude data with a spectral width greater than wmax. |
-vemax vemax | exclude data with a velocity error greater than vemax. |
-pmin pmin | exclude data with a power less than pmin. |
-vmin vmin | exclude data with an absolute velocity less than vmin. |
-wmin wmin | exclude data with a spectral width less than wmin. |
-vemin vemin | exclude data with a velocity error less than vemin. |
-fmax fmax | set the maximum allowed variation in frequency to be fmax Hertz. |
-nav | do not perform temporal averaging. |
-nlm | do not exclude data because it exceeds the data limits. |
-nb | do not exclude data based on the operating parameters. |
-isort | calculate the median power and spectral width independently of the velocity distribution. |
-ion | exclude data marked as ground scatter. |
-gs | exclude data marked as ionospheric scatter. |
-both | do not exclude data based on the type flag. |
fitacfname | filename of the fitacf format file. |
inxname | filename of the index file. |
-old | the input file is in the fit format. |
fitname | filename of the fit format file. |
-cfit | the input file is in the cfit format. |
cfitfname | filename of the cfit format file. |
-c | concatenate multiple input files. |
fitacfnames | filenames of the fitacf format files. |
fitnames | filenames of the fit format files. |
cfitnames | filenames of the cfit format files. |