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fitfilter --help
fitfilter [options] fitacfname [inxname]
fitfilter -old [options] fitname [inxname]
fitfilter -cfit [options] cfitname
fitfilter -old -cfit [options] cfitname
fitfilter -c [options] fitacfnames...
fitfilter -c -old [options] fitnames...
fitfilter -c -cfit [options] cfitnames...
fitfilter -c -old -cfit [options] cfitnames...

Median filters data to produce a cfit format file from either a fit, fitacf or cfit format file.

--helpprint the help message and exit.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
-vbverbose. Log information to the console.
-sd yyyymmddstart from the date yyyymmdd.
-st hr:mnstart from the time hr:mn.
-ed yyyymmddstop at the date yyyymmdd.
-et hr:mnstop at the time hr:mn.
-ex hr:mnuse the interval whose extent is hr:mn.
-tl tlenignore the scan flag and instead use a fixed length scan of tlen seconds.
-cn channelprocess data from channel channel for stereo mode data.
-ebm ebeamsexclude the beams listed in ebeams, which is a comma separated list of beam numbers.
-minrng minrangeexclude data from range gates lower than minrange.
-maxrng maxrangeexclude data from range gates higher than maxrange.
-fwgt modeset the filter weighting mode to mode.
-pmax pmaxexclude data with a power greater than pmax.
-vmax vmaxexclude data with an absolute velocity greater than vmax.
-wmax wmaxexclude data with a spectral width greater than wmax.
-vemax vemaxexclude data with a velocity error greater than vemax.
-pmin pminexclude data with a power less than pmin.
-vmin vminexclude data with an absolute velocity less than vmin.
-wmin wminexclude data with a spectral width less than wmin.
-vemin veminexclude data with a velocity error less than vemin.
-fmax fmaxset the maximum allowed variation in frequency to be fmax Hertz.
-navdo not perform temporal averaging.
-nlmdo not exclude data because it exceeds the data limits.
-nbdo not exclude data based on the operating parameters.
-isortcalculate the median power and spectral width independently of the velocity distribution.
-ionexclude data marked as ground scatter.
-gsexclude data marked as ionospheric scatter.
-bothdo not exclude data based on the type flag.
fitacfnamefilename of the fitacf format file.
inxnamefilename of the index file.
-oldthe input file is in the fit format.
fitnamefilename of the fit format file.
-cfitthe input file is in the cfit format.
cfitfnamefilename of the cfit format file.
-cconcatenate multiple input files.
fitacfnamesfilenames of the fitacf format files.
fitnamesfilenames of the fit format files.
cfitnamesfilenames of the cfit format files.

Median filters data to produce a cfit format file from either a fit, fitacf or cfit format file.

The task applies a median filter to the radar data to remove noise. Each range-beam cell together with its immediate neighbors in the current, preceding and following scans is examined. A weighted sum of all the cells containing scatter is calculated and if this sum exceeds a certain threshold, the median data value of the cells is substituted for the central cell. Various command line options control how the filter is applied.

The filtered data is stored in a cfit format file written to standard output.

fitfilter -vb -old 19991120.kap.fit > 19991120.kap.cfit

Generate a cfit file from the fit file "19991120.kap.fit" and store it in the file "19991120.kap.cfit". Report the status on standard error.

fitfilter -c -old -cfit 20000510.*.kod.cfit > 20000510.kod.cfit.filtered

Concatenate all the cfit files in the current directory to create a filtered cfit file. Store the output in the file "20000510.kod.cfit.filtered".