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find_elvstat --help
find_elvstat [options] fitacfname
find_elvstat -old [options] fitname
find_elvstat -cfit [options] cfitname
find_elvstat -c [options] fitacfnames...
find_elvstat -c -old [options] fitnames...
find_elvstat -c -cfit [options] cfitnames...

Determines the number of potentially valid elevation angles in fitacf, fit, or cfit format files.

--helpprint the help message and exit.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
-vbverbose. Log information to the console.
-sd yyyymmddstart from the date yyyymmdd.
-st hr:mnstart from the time hr:mn.
-ed yyyymmddstop at the date yyyymmdd.
-et hr:mnstop at the time hr:mn.
-ex hr:mnuse the interval whose extent is hr:mn.
-cn channelprocess data from channel channel for stereo mode data.
-cn_fix channelmanually set channel to be processed.
-nsexclude data with scan flags less than zero.
fitacfnamefilename of the fitacf format file.
-oldthe input file is in the fit format.
fitnamefilename of the fit format file.
-cfitthe input file is in the cfit format.
cfitfnamefilename of the cfit format file.
-cconcatenate multiple input files (from the same radar site).
fitnamesfilenames of the fit format files.
fitacfnamesfilenames of the fitacf format files.
cfitnamesfilenames of the cfit format files.

Determines the number of potentially valid elevation angles in fitacf, fit, or cfit format files.

The number of potentially valid elevation angles is written to standard output.

find_elvstat 20040830.gbr.fitacf

Find the number of potentially valid elevation angles in the fitacf file "20040830.gbr.fitacf".