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fitacfserver --help
fitacfserver [-a] [-d] [-r] [-old] [-L logname] [-pf portname] [-if pidname] [-lp port] [-b bound] [-s stid] [-i intt] name

Simple TCP/IP server program for fitacf and fit format files.

--helpprint the help message and exit.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
-areplace the record times in the file with the actual time.
-dthe file contains one complete day of data and the server should send the appropriate record for the current time of day.
-rre-open the file when the end is reached.
-oldinput file is in fit format rather than fitacf format.
-L lognamelog connections and information in the file logname. By default, connections are recorded in log.rt.
-pf portnamerecord the port number that the server is listening for connections on in the file portname. By default, the port is recorded in port.id.
-if pidnamerecord the process Identifier (PID) of the server in the file pidname. By default, the PID is recorded in pid.id.
-lp portforce the server to listen on the local port number port. By default, the server requests a port number from the Operating System.
-b boundsynchronize scans with an interval of bound seconds.
-s stidset the station identifier in the data records to stid.
-i inttignore the integration time in the data records and instead use intt seconds.
namefilename of the fitacf or fit format file to serve.

Simple TCP/IP server program for fitacf and fit format files.

The task can be used to simulate a data feed from a radar site

fitacfserver -L log -old -pf port.id  -if pid.id -r 19981112k.fit

Serve the fit file "19981112k.fit" from a port allocated by the operating system. The port number is recorded in the file "port.id", the process identifier is recorded in the file "pid.id", and logs of all transactions are recorded in the file "log.yyyymmdd" where yyyymmdd is the date.

Once the end of the file is reached, the server rewinds to the beginning of the file and continues.

fitacfserver -L log -pf port.id  -if pid.id -lp 5000 -a -i 4 -b 60 19990830.gbr.fitacf

Serve the fitacf file "19990830.gbr.fitacf" from port 5000. The port number is recorded in the file "port.id", the process identifier is recorded in the file "pid.id", and logs of all transactions are recorded in the file "log.yyyymmdd" where yyyymmdd is the date.

The actual time in UT is substituted for the time recorded in the file. A record is served every 4 seconds and the scans are synchronized to one minute boundaries.