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oldsndtosnd --help
oldsndtosnd [-vb] [oldsndname]

Converts an old binary snd format file to the new dmap snd format.

--helpprint the help message and exit.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
-oldfiles are in the original binary format with internal compression.
-newfiles are in the revised binary format with a variable number of ranges.
-adakfiles have a different stime size in header.
-vbverbose. Log information to the console.
oldsndnamefilename of the old binary snd format file to convert. If this is omitted, the file will be read from standard input

Converts an old binary snd format file to the new dmap snd format.

The snd format data is written to standard output

oldsndtosnd 1999041006gbr.snd > 19990410.06.gbr.snd

Convert the binary file "1999041006gbr.snd" to produce the dmap snd format file "19990410.06.gbr.snd".