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map_plot --help
map_plot [options] cnvmapname [inxname]
map_plot -stdout [options] cnvmapname [inxname]
map_plot -png [options] cnvmapname [inxname]
map_plot -png -stdout [options] cnvmapname [inxname]
map_plot -ps [-xp xoff] [-yp yoff] [options] cnvmapname [inxname]
map_plot -ps -stdout [-xp xoff] [-yp yoff] [options] cnvmapname [inxname]
map_plot -ppm [options] cnvmapname [inxname]
map_plot -ppm -stdout [options] cnvmapname [inxname]
map_plot -ppmx [options] cnvmapname [inxname]
map_plot -ppmx -stdout [options] cnvmapname [inxname]
map_plot -xml [options] cnvmapname [inxname]
map_plot -xml -stdout [options] cnvmapname [inxname]
map_plot -x [-display display] [-xoff xoff] [-yoff yoff] [-delay delay] [options] cnvmapname [inxname]

Plot map and cnvmap format files.

--helpprint the help message and exit.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
-path pathnamewrite the plots to the directory given by pathname.
-cf cfnameread command line options from the file cfname.
-oldthe input file is a map format file instead of the default cnvmap format file.
-defuse a sensible set of default plot options
-sd yyyymmddplot starting from the date yyyymmdd.
-st hr:mnplot starting from the time hr:mn.
-ed yyyymmddstop plotting at the date yyyymmdd.
-et hr:mnstop plotting at the time hr:mn.
-ex hr:mnplot an interval whose extent is hr:mn.
-tngenerate filenames of the form hrmn.sc.xxx.
-dngenerate filenames of the form yyyymmdd.hrmn.sc.xxx.
-mnuse the time of the midpoint of each record to generate the filename.
-wdt widthset the width of the plot to width.
-hgt heightset the height of the plot to height.
-padpadset the padding around the edge of the plot to pad.
-sf scaleset the scale factor (magnification) to scale. The default scale factor is 1.
-orthouse an orthographic projection.
-lat latcenter the plot on the latitude given by lat.
-lon loncenter the plot on the longitude given by lon.
-latmin latminadjust the scale factor so that the lowest visible latitude is latmin. Applies when the stereographic projection is used.
-maguse magnetic coordinates.
-old_aacgmuse older AACGM magnetic coordinates instead of the default AACGM-v2 coordinates.
-rotaterotate the plot so that the local noon is at the top of the plot.
-flipflip the direction of the X-axis.
-squareforce the use of a square bounding box around the plot.
-coastplot coastlines.
-fcoastplot filled coastlines.
-bndplot state boundaries.
-grdplot a grid.
-grdlat grdlatset the latitude spacing of the grid to grdlat degrees.
-grdlon grdlonset the longitude spacing of the grid to grdlon degrees.
-igrdplot the inverse grid, if the plot is in geographic coordinates, a geomagnetic grid is plotted, if the plot is in geomagnetic coordinates, a geographic grid is plotted.
-igrdlat igrdlatset the latitude spacing of the inverse grid to grdlat degrees.
-igrdlon igrdlonset the longitude spacing of the inverse grid to grdlon degrees.
-igrdontopplot the inverse grid on top.
-grdontopplot the grid on top.
-tmkplot a clock-dial grid showing the time.
-fovplot the radar field of view.
-ffovplot the filled radar field of view.
-gfovonly plot fields of view of the radars contributing data (when using -fov and/or -ffov).
-tmtick tickset the grid interval for the time clock-dial to tick hours.
-lstuse local solar time rather than local time.
-termplot the terminator.
-ftermplot a filled terminator.
-tmlblLabel the time clock-dial.
-lnewdt lnewdtset the line width to lnewdt.
-bgcol aarrggbbset the background color to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-txtcol aarrggbbset the color of the text to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-grdcol aarrggbbset the color of the grid to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-igrdcol aarrggbbset the color of the inverse grid to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-cstcol aarrggbbset the color of the coastline to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-bndcol aarrggbbset the color of the state boundaries to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-lndcol aarrggbbset the color of the land to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-seacol aarrggbbset the color of the sea to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-tmkcol aarrggbbset the color of the time clock-dial to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-fovcol aarrggbbset the color of the field of view outline to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-ffovcol aarrggbbset the color of the filled field of view to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-vecccol aarrggbbif a colorkey is not used then set the color of vectors to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-ctrcol aarrggbbset the color of contours to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-polycol aarrggbbset the color of contour polygons to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-fpolycol aarrggbbset the color of filled contour polygons to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-hmbcol aarrggbbset the color of the Heppner-Maynard boundary to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-trmcol aarrggbbset the color of the terminator outline to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-ftrmcol aarrggbbset the color of the filled terminator outline to aarrggbb, specified as the hexadecimal value for the 32-bit alpha,red,green and blue component color.
-vkey vkeynameload the velocity colorkey from the file vkeyname.
-vkey_path vkey_pathload the velocity colorkey from the custom path vkey_path.
-pkey pkeynameload the colorkey used to contour polygons from the file pkeyname.
-pkey_path pkey_pathload the colorkey used to contour polygons from the custom path pkey_path.
-xkey xkeynameload the extra colorkey (used to plot power or spectral width) from the file xkeyname.
-xkey_path xkey_pathload the extra colorkey from the custom path xkey_path.
-fitplot the fitted two-dimensional velocity vectors.
-rawplot raw line of sight velocity vectors.
-mrgplot merged two-dimensional vectors.
-modplot the model vectors.
-nopadcombined with -mod will not show padding model zero vectors.
-ctrplot potential contours.
-polyplot contours as simple polygons.
-fpolyplot contours as simple filled polygons.
-maxminplot the points of maximum and minimum potential.
-hmbplot Heppner-Maynard boundary.
-excplot velocity vectors excluded from the fit.
-rngplot slant range.
-pwrplot power.
-swdplot spectral width.
-avgif a cell contains more than one data point, plot the average power or spectral width.
-maxif a cell contains more than one data point, plot the maximum power or spectral width.
-minif a cell contains more than one data point, plot the minimum power or spectral width.
-modnplot the name of the statistical model.
-imfplot the IMF clock-dial.
-potplot the cross polar cap potential.
-extraplot extra diagnostic information.
-sourceplot the source string.
-vkeypplot the color key for the velocity scale.
-pkeypplot the color key for the potential scale.
-xkeypplot the extra color key for the power or spectrral width scale.
-vecpplot the example vector.
-vsf vsfset the vector scale factor to vsf.
-vrad vradset the radius of the dot a the vector root to vrad.
-logoplot the logo and credits.
-timeplot the time of the plotted data.
-cmax cmaxset the potential scale maximum to cmax (in units of Volts, not kV).
-vmax vmaxset the absolute velocity scale maximum to vmax.
-rmax rmaxset the slant range scale maximum to rmax.
-pmax pmaxset the power scale maximum to pmax.
-wmax wmaxset the spectral width scale maximum to wmax.
-frameadd a frame around the borders of the plot.
-overthe output plot will be overlaid on another plot, do not paint the background with the bacground color.
mapnamefilename of the map or cnvmap format file to plot.
inxnamefilename of the index file associated with the grid format file to plot.
-stdoutplot a single data record and write the plot to standard output.
-d yyyymmddplot the data on date yyyymmdd (when using -stdout).
-t hr:mnplot the data at the time hr:mn (when using -stdout).
-pngproduce a Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image as the output.
-psproduce a PostScript plot as the output.
-xp xoffset the X offset of the PostScript plot to xoff.
-yp xoffset the Y offset of the PostScript plot to yoff.
-ppmproduce a Portable PixMap (PPM) image as the output.
-ppmxproduce an extended Portable PixMap (PPMX) image as the output.
-xmlproduce an XML image representation as the output.
-xplot the data on an X-terminal.
-display displayconnect to the xterminal named display.
-xoff xoffopen the window, xoff pixels from the left edge of the screen.
-yoff yoffopen the window ypad pixels from the top edge of the screen.
-delay delayset the delay between frames to delay milliseconds, a value of 0 will pause the frame until a mouse button is pressed. Default: 0
-chishamdraw radar fields of view using the Chisham virtual height model.

Plot the map and cnvmapformat files.

The output can be to an X terminal, XML rplot file, Portable PixMap (PPM) file, extended Portable PixMap (PPMX) file, Portable Network Graphics (PNG), or PostScript file. The default output is PostScript.

The program usually steps through the convection map data and writes each plot to a file. The output filenames are of the form "nnnn.xxx", where nnnn is the frame number starting at 0000 and xxx is the suffix "xml","ps","ppm", or "ppmx". The options "-tn" and "-dn" can be used to change this format to one based on the time of each plot.

If the "-stdout" option is used then the program will just plot a single record from the file and the plot is written to standard output. The "-d" and "-t" options are used to select the time to plot.

The task only plots what it is instructed to plot on the command line which means that at least some of the options must be included if the plot is to show anything.

The default map projection is a stereographic projection.

A sensible set of default plot options can be invoked using the "-def" option. This will plot a stereographic projection of the fitted velocity vectors, equipotential contours and Hepner-Maynard boundary in geomagnetic coordinates. The plot is rotated so that magnetic noon is at the top.

The program usually plots the line of sight or fitted velocity vectors contained in the file. However the options "-pwr" and "-wdt" can be used to plot the power and spectral width information stored in extended grid files as an extra parameter.

The options "-vkey" and "-xkey" allows a user defined color key to be used to plot the velocity vectors or the extra parameters.

The color key file is a plain text file that defines the red green and blue components for each index in the color bar. Any line in the file beginning with a "#" is treated as a comment and ignored. The first line that is not a comment defines the number of entries in the table. The remaining lines in the file contain color values for each index, one value per line. The values are hexadecimal numbers of the form aarrggbb, where aa is the alpha component, rr is the red component, gg is the blue component and bb is the blue component.

The number and complexity of the command line options makes typing them a laborious process, especially when producing multiple plots. To solve this problem, command line options can be placed in plain text file that can be parsed by the program using the " -cf" option. This allows the user to create a set of configuration files for producing different plots.

map_plot -x -def -vkey superdarn.key -old 20040620.map

Plot convections maps from the file "20040620.map" on the X-terminal. Use the default set of options and the color key "superdarn.key".

map_plot -ps -dn -st 12:00 -mag -rotate -fcoast -coast -fterm -tmk -vecp -vkeyp -time -imf -modn -pot -fit -ctr -vkey superdarn.key 20021219.cnvmap

Generate PostScript plots of convections maps from the file "20021219.cnvmap". Store the plots in files named "yyyymmdd.hrmn.sc.ps", starting at 12:00UTC. Use a stereographic projection in magnetic coordinates, rotated so that magnetic local noon is at the top of the plot. Plot filled coastlines, terminator, a clockdial representing time, a labelled sample velocity vector, the velocity color bar, the time, IMF conditions, model used, Potential, fitted vectors and the potential contours. The velocity color bar is taken from the file "superdarn.key".

map_plot -stdout -xml -t 6:00 -pad 0 -mag -lat 78.4 -lon 16.00 -square -sf 2.00 -fcoast -coast -vecp -vkeyp -grd -time -hmb -fit -ctr -vkey superdarn.key 20021219.cnvmap > map.rp.xml

Generate a single rPlot XML plot of the convections map at 06:00UTC from the file "20021219.cnvmap". Use a stereographic projection in geomagnetic coordinates and center the plot on latitude 78.4 degrees and longitude 16.00 degrees. Plot filled coastlines, a labelled sample velocity vector, the velocity color bar, the time, fitted vectors, Heppner-Maynard boundary and the potential contours.The velocity color bar is taken from the file "superdarn.key". The plot is stored in the file "map.rp.xml".