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shellserver --help
shellserver [options]

A data relay task between the control program and interactive radarshell.

--helpprint the help message and exit.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
-cp cportlisten for the control program on the local port number cport (default is 44001).
-sp sportlisten for radarshell clients on the local port number sport (default is 45001).
-eh ehostconnect to the error logger at hostname or IP address ehost (default is localhost).
-ep eportconnect to the error logger at port number eport (default is 44000).
-sh shmemassign the shell memory name shmem (default is RadarShell).

A data relay task between the control program and interactive radarshell.

shellserver -sh RadarShellA -cp 44001 -sp 45001 -ep 44000 &

Start the shellserver task listening for the control program on the local port number 44001, radarshell clients on the local port number 45001, and the error logger on the local port number 44000. Assign the string "RadarShellA" to the shell memory name.