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rtserver --help
rtserver [options]

A data relay task for distributing fitted data over the internet.

--helpprint the help message and exit.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
-rp rportlisten for fitted data on the local port number rport (default is 44103).
-tp tportserve the fitted data for clients on the local port number tport (default is 1024).
-eh ehostconnect to the error logger at hostname or IP address ehost (default is localhost).
-ep eportconnect to the error logger at port number eport (default is 44000).
-c chnfilter the data and only serve data from channel chn.

A data relay task for distributing fitted data over the internet.

rtserver -rp 44104 -ep 44000 -tp 1024 &

Connect to the fitted data stream from the active control program at the local port number 44104 and serve the data for clients on the local port number 1024. Error messages are sent to the error logger on port number 44000.