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rawacfwrite --help
rawacfwrite [options]

Stores raw ACF data in rawacf files.

--helpprint the help message and exit.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
-lp lportlisten for raw ACF data on the local port number lport (default is 44101).
-eh ehostconnect to the error logger at hostname or IP address ehost (default is localhost).
-ep eportconnect to the error logger at port number eport (default is 44000).
-t thrapply a threshold of thr to determine if the data are saved.
-c chnappend an optional channel identifier chn to the output filename.

Stores raw ACF data in rawacf files, opening a new file every 2 hours.

rawacfwrite -lp 44102 -ep 44000 &

Connect to the raw ACF data stream from the active control program at the local port number 44102 and write the data to a new rawacf file every 2 hours. Error messages are sent to the error logger on port number 44000.