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radarshell --help
radarshell host port

An interactive shell for manipulating radar operating parameters. The four available commands are 1: 'show' (list all parameters and their values), 2: '[variable]=[value]' (change parameter), 3: 'go' (upload parameters to control program), and 4: 'exit' (close shell without modifying parameters).

--helpprint the help message and exit.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
hosthostname or IP address of the shellserver to connect to (default is localhost).
portport number of the shellserver to connect to on the system (default is 45001).

An interactive shell that allows the user to change the operating parameters of the radar while a control program is active.

The shell supports four commands:

show [variable]

Typing "go" will send the altered parameters back to the control program so they will take affect at the start of the next integration period.

Typing "show" will list the values of the specified variables. If no names are listed then the entire set will be shown.

A new value is assigned to a variable by using the "=" sign:

combf=Hello world

There should be no spaces between the value, the "=" sign, or the variable name.

Typing "exit" will close the shell without uploading any parameters to the control program.

radarshell localhost 45001

Connect to the shellserver on localhost at port 45001 and start a new interactive shell session.