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errlog --help
errlog [options]

Prints error messages to the console and records them in a daily log.

--helpprint the help message and exit.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
-lp lportlisten for error messages on the local port number lport (default is 44000).
-name stidadd the three-letter station ID code stid to the errlog filename.

Reports and logs errors sent from the other radar tasks. The log records the date and time at which the message was sent, the process ID of the task reporting the error, the task name, and a text string that describes the error.

Errors are printed to the console on which the errlog task runs and also recorded in a file stored in the directory defined by the SD_ERRLOG_PATH environment variable. Each day a new log file is created with the filename yyyymmdd.errlog, where yyyymmdd is the date.

If the "-name" option is specified, the log file is created with the filename yyyymmdd.rad.errlog, where rad is the three-letter station ID code provided by the user (or any other string).

errlog -name cve -lp 44000 &

Start the errlog task listening for error messages on the local port number 44000 and add the string "cve" to the filename of the daily log files.