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rtmultiplex --help
rtmultiplex [-vb] [-t timeout] [-L logname] [-T timename] [-pf portname] [-if pidname] [-lp lport] hostname rport

TCP/IP stream mulitplexer.

--helpprint the help message and exit.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
-vbverbose. Log information to the console.
-t timeoutreset the connection if no packets are received in timeout seconds. By default, the timeout is 20 seconds.
-r resetclkattempt to restart the connection on failure after resetclk seconds. By default, the resetclk is 1 second.
-L lognamelog connections and information in the file logname. By default, connections are recorded in log.rt.
-T timenamelog the time that the last packet was received in the file timename. By default, the time is recorded in time.rt.
-pf portnamerecord the port number that the server is listening for connections on in the file portname. By default, the port is recorded in port.id.
-if pidnamerecord the process Identifier (PID) of the server in the file pidname. By default, the PID is recorded in pid.id.
-lp lportforce the server to listen on the local port number port. By default, the server requests a port number from the Operating System.
hosthostname or IP number of the system to connect to.
rportport number to connect to on the server.

The task acts as both server and client attaching to a remote host and relaying the data stream to the client tasks.

rtmultiplex port.id -lf log peanut.jhuapl.edu 1024

Connects to the remote host peanut.jhuapl.edu at port 1024. Relay data from a port allocated by the operating system. The port number is recorded in the file "port.id" and logs of all transactions are recorded in the file "log.rt".

rtmultiplex -l 5000 port.id -lf log peanut.jhuapl.edu 1200

Connects to the remote host peanut.jhuapl.edu at port 1200. Relay data from the port 5000. The port number is recorded in the file "port.id" and logs of all transactions are recorded in the file "log.rt".