Syntax |
scalepng --help scalepng [-smooth] [-wdt width] [-hgt height] [name]
Synopsis |
| Scale a Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image. |
Options |
--help | print the help message and exit. |
-smooth | smooth the output image. |
-wdt width | make the output image width pixels wide. |
-hgt height | make the output image height pixels tall. |
name | input image filename. If this is omitted the image will be read from standard input. |
Description |
| Scale a Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image.
The scaled PNG image file is written to standard output. |
Examples |
scalepng -wdt 256 -hgt 256 inp.png > out.png |
Scale the PNG file inp.png to 256x256 pixels and store it in the file out.png .
scalepng -smooth -wdt 64 -hgt 64 inp.png > out.png |
Scale the PNG file inp.png to 64x64 pixels with smoothing and store it in the file out.png .