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ecdipeval --help
ecdipeval [-i] [-lat lat] [-lon lon] [-alt alt] [-fmt format]
ecdipeval [-i] [-f filename] [-fmt format]

Convert to and from eccentric dipole coordinates.

--helpprint the help message and exit.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
-iperform the inverse conversion.
-mltperform the conversion between magnetic longitude and magnetic local time.
-lat latcalculate for the latitude lat.
-lon loncalculate for the longitude lon.
-alt altcalculate for the altitude in kilometers, alt.
-re Recalculate for the Earth radius in kilometers, Re (inverse only).
-d yyyymmddcalculate for the date yyyymmdd.
-t hr:mncalculate for the time hr:mn.
-fmt formatuse the string fmt, to format the output.
-f filenameread a sequence of latitudes, longitudes and altitudes from the ASCII file, filename.

Converts to and from eccentric dipole coordinates. The output is written to standard output using the formatting string given by the "-fmt" option. The format string should be in the same format as that used by the printf function and will take two double precision floating point numbers as arguments.

If the "-f" option is given, the latitude,longitude and altitude are read from a space separated ASCII file. If the filename is "-" input is read from standard input.

ecdipeval -lat 85.4 -lon 32.4 -alt 300.0

Convert the coordinate given by latitude of 85.4 degrees, longitude 32.4 degrees and altitude of 300 kilometers to eccentric dipole coordinates.

ecdipeval -i -f ecdip.txt

Convert the eccentric dipole coordinates in the file "ecdip.txt", back to geographic coordinates.