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istp_text --help
istp_text [-cf cfgname] [-h] [-path pathname] [-sd yyyymmdd] [-st hr:mn] [-ed yyyymmdd] [-et hr:mn] [-ex hr:mn [-gse] [-pos] [-mfi] [-swe] [-mag] [-pla] [-mgf] [-lep] [-cpi] [-ace] [-wind] [-imp8] [-geotail]

Extract ASCII listings of ISTP data from CDF files.

--helpprint the help message and exit.
--versionprint the RST version number and exit.
-cf cfnameread command line options from the file cfname.
-hinclude headers in the text file.
-path pathread the data files from the directory path.
-sd yyyymmddextract starting from the date yyyymmdd.
-st hr:mnextract starting from the time hr:mn.
-ed yyyymmddstop extracting at the date yyyymmdd.
-et hr:mnstop extracting at the time hr:mn.
-ex hr:mnextract an interval whose extent is hr:mn.
-gseplot in GSE coordinates, not GSM.
-posinclude spacecraft position in the text file.
-mfiinclude MFI data.
-sweinclude SWE data.
-maginclude MAG data.
-plainclude PLA data.
-mgfinclude MGF data.
-lepinclude LEP data.
-cpiinclude CPI data.
-aceinclude ACE data.
-windinclude Wind data.
-imp8include IMP8 data.
-geotailinclude Geotail data.

Generates a plain ASCII text file containing ISTP magnetic field and solar wind data from a set of CDF files. The file is written to standard output.

The program usually produces 24 hours of magnetic field data in GSM co-ordinates for a given start date and satellite.

The data files are taken from the sub-directories "ace", "wind", "imp8" and "geotail", of the path given by the "-path" option or by the environment variable ISTP_PATH.

istp_text  -ace -sd 19990406 > mfi.txt

Generate a text file containing 24 hours of ACE data starting at 00:00UT on April, 6 1999. The output is stored in the file "mfi.txt".

istp_text -wind -mfi -swe -pos -sd 19971014 -st 4:00 -ex 8:00 > 19981112.wnd.txt

Generate a text file containing 8 hours of Wind MFI, SWE and position data starting at 04:00UT October 14, 1997. The output is stored in the file "19981112.wnd.txt".

istp_text -ace -mfi -pos -sd 19990406 -st 6:00 -ed 19990408 -et 12:00 > mfi+pos.txt

Generate a text file containing ACE MFI and Position data, starting at 06:00UT April 6, 1999 and ending at 12:00UT April 8,1999. The output is stored in the file "mfi+pos.txt".